
Showing posts from January, 2016

Road 2 Success- Celebrate FAILURE !!

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”  ―  Paulo Coelho ,  The Alchemist Hey everyone. Before I begin let me wish you all a very Happy and a Prosperous new year 2016 !! Many may wonder, by reading my title, why begin the new year on a negative note. Nah!! Don't worry I'm not inspired by Indian Media and their style of Journalism where they believe only Negativity Sells. I would love to take this wonderful opportunity to express few things which I have experienced this new year.  Taking you all back to November 2015, one of the most important months in a CA Student's life, I had appeared in my CA Final exam conducted by the ICAI. Exams were done and dusted and the stress for preparing and then writing the exam was done but then there was "The tension" about the results which were to be announced in the month of January 2016. On a lighter note, this is the period when we start remembering as many Gods a