Road 2 Success- Celebrate FAILURE !!

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” 
― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist

Hey everyone. Before I begin let me wish you all a very Happy and a Prosperous new year 2016 !! Many may wonder, by reading my title, why begin the new year on a negative note. Nah!! Don't worry I'm not inspired by Indian Media and their style of Journalism where they believe only Negativity Sells. I would love to take this wonderful opportunity to express few things which I have experienced this new year. 

Taking you all back to November 2015, one of the most important months in a CA Student's life, I had appeared in my CA Final exam conducted by the ICAI. Exams were done and dusted and the stress for preparing and then writing the exam was done but then there was "The tension" about the results which were to be announced in the month of January 2016. On a lighter note, this is the period when we start remembering as many Gods as possible and we receive many good wishes from our relatives and friends. 

17 January 2016, by approximately 11:30 am, the result was declared. Co-incidentally on the same day I had the Sindhi Premier League (SPL) and was lucky to be participating in the tournament  by being in one of the best teams. I was in Catch-22 situation as in to check the results during the match or to check the results after the match was done. Bdw our first match was too at the same time i.e it began at 11:00 am. To my luck the ICAI Results server was down and couldn't check till the first match was done. 

Within an hour I got a message from my parents saying I haven't cleared my exam. I had "FAILED". So what next? Sit Down and Regret? Feel Sad? Lose Hope? Cry? Curse my Luck? Curse the teachers? Give excuses? No No... This is where I would like to share my feelings and hope it would help others to overcome the fear of Failure and being called as a "Failure"
I was for sure nervous till my results were out but once I got to know about the results I could breathe a sigh of relief as now nothing could be done and have to move on to concentrate in the present. There is a phrase saying "Blessing in Disguise"  and it turned out to be very apt for me in that situation.  I was able to give 100% to my team in the SPL and I was able to win the SPL Cup for the first time in 5 years and was very happy to contribute to the team's victory. The victory was a bitter sweet one as we defeated that team, in the final, of whom I had been a part of first three editions. Completely forgot about my CA Final results till then smiled at myself saying "कुछ पाने के लिए कुछ खोना पड़ता हैं ". ( Img Coutesy: Karan Sachdev) (# Tanned Look)

Came back home and could see the sadness in my parent's eyes as they had pinned their hopes on me to clear the exam and my entire relatives waiting for a Party as soon as I clear and become  a Chartered Accountant.  But I couldnt meet their expectations and left them disappointed. First time logging on FB was very disappointing personally. I could see many friends who updated their status as "A Chartered Accountant", "Passed the Final Exams" etc..Congratulations to all of them as their hard work paid off.  

Not clearing the exam doesnt mean that I havent work hard or I am weaker than others. My only one great quality is my Positive Attitude towards Life.I always believe "Fail is just a delay to success not defeat". People who are successful for sure would have failed at something or the other. To prevent accidents its necessary to have speedbreakers on the road. Similarly to understand the importance of success its necessary to fail atleast once. I always believe no one is perfect but one can be the best. Narendra Modi (Current Indian PM) is not perfect but he is the best to lead our country at present. He is my role model of how to take failure as a compliment and not other way round. From being a Tea Seller to being the PM and from denied visa to the US to wooing lakhs of people in US shows his positive attitude towards life and turning failure to success within a short span of time. 

This positivity doesn't come so easily. You need inspiration from people you be with and are surrounded with. Yes there are many who are jealous of one's success and might wish bad for someone but that doesn't make me lose this attitude . My family are the pillars of strength and will back me till the end let it be my grandparents who visit temples everyday and pray for my success or my parents who have sacrificed so much just to see me successful or my relatives  and cousins who  motivate me in the form of asking parties :P 

I can never forget my friends and there are very few without whom I cannot be so strong. Let it be my college friends or school friends there are few special among them who are my source to be so positive. Poonam J has been one among them who has prayed every day for my results and has been a well wisher since college times. Small gestures from her side like changing whatsapp dp during exam times and result day, calling my friends to celebrate my bday during exam times and consoling after the results just to make me feel better used to be my energy booster. There were my friends from abroad Syed Shamshuddin and Gunwant who always have motivated me and been there for me anytime and always have remained in touch. Friends here Gaurav, Preetham, Vaishak have been really supportive. After having some wonderful moments in my life already at such a young age, one drawback cannot stop me from enjoying my life more. 

UFF!! It may be quite a long one to read but would love to conclude it with a hindi shayari (self -made ) :

ज़िन्दगी में कामियाबी पाने के लिए करना पड़ता हैं असफलता का सामना !!
सफलता पाने के लिए कभी हार नहीं मानना !!
बहुत लोग बाते करेंगे और  ताने सुनाएंगे 
यार एक ही ज़िन्दगी हैं अपने  तरीके से गुज़ारना बस  भारत को स्वछ रखना !!

Signing off and shall keep writing regularly!!!



  1. You Just Nailed It BRO !!!! I could empathize the situation completely as i skimmed through each word of yours. You have given stances of Grief and Motivation in a very diabolic way. I always knew the Karan who was always Postive and who had the vibe of a not so common personality.

    Talking about Failures ( You got the right Man as an Example), they teach you more than what success does. Winning or Losing are just mere events that occurr. It may be coupled with a lot of uncontrollable factors, for which you may rejoice(if won) of Repent (if lost). The essence of oneself is not in the happening of an event, it is on how we react to such events.

    Remember my fren, CA is just a course we opted to study to make a career, its not the end of the world. Your potential/Caliber can never be identified by the results which is posted by an institute having an history in manipulating results per their convenience. It is immaterial as to what the society thinks, what matters is ,have you got in you to bounce back from where you were thrown.

    CA may take a while to come your way, but there are so many other things that life will offer you, that will reach you much much sooner than you could expect.

    All that life is about is to enjoy the present moment your living, and do what your heart tells you. Success comes to those who least expect it. So the key is to do what we love, and be passionate about things we do, and we will in the limelight one day.

    Good to see you over come things, and to have a good lot of frens and wellwishers, lets continue with our good job, and be least expectant of what the events of result going to be. True happiness is in the Path and not the destination. Do onto your best, and dont let the uncontrollable results dampen you.

    From one of your Frens who more or less resemble you in passion, likes and similarity in certain things,

    Karthik V. :):):)


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